May 14, 2023

Bucket Lists and Vomit Buckets

Bucket Lists and Vomit Buckets

Join us for the 17th episode of Season 2 of the Probably Speaking podcast, where John and Paula explore their own bucket lists, as well as some things they NEVER want to do. From traveling to far-off destinations, to conquering new personal challenges (John needs more sleep!), they delve into the current wish list of experiences that they aspire to achieve. In the second half of this episode, John and Paula share a unique family story, just in time for Mother's Day! Back in the early 1960s, and with two little ones in tow, their parents set off on a 6-week vacation to introduce their Mother to their Dad's side of the family in one of the most remote towns in Spain. They're still not sure if they had indoor bathrooms, and not sure how their brother David survived, but the pranks pulled by their Dad, as well as his "hero" moment at the end of the trip makes this a story worth listening to.